19th Century Romantic Art

William Blake  -  English


Creating Adam

(Isaac) Newton

Caspar David Friedrich  -  German

Wanderer Above a Sea of Fog

The Sea of Ice (1823–24)

Théodore Géricault  -  French

The Raft of Medusa  (1818)

Eugène Delacroix  -  French

The Massacre at Chios

The Death of Sardanapalu

Francisco Goya  -  Spanish

The Third of May

Gustav Courbet  -  French

The Desperate Man  (1848)

J.M.W. Turner  -  English

Dutch Boats in a Gale

Fishermen at Sea

John Constable  -  English 

The Hay Wein - 1821

Thomas Cole  -  American 

The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge

Prometheus Bound

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