Baroque Art & Architecture

After the classicism of the Renaissance which featured values such as high morals, the intellect over the passions, courage, calmness, optimism, prudence and civic mindedness, Baroque art features romanticism, including action, drama, tragedy, passion, foreboding, turbulence, the mysterious and the magical.  Greek mythology is a recurrent theme.

Baroque Art

Gian Lorenzo Bernini  -  David  - 1623 - 1624

 El Greco - View of Toledo -  c. 1599

Baroque Architecture

Later Baroque architecture is dominated by rococo.  It is ornamental, busy, complex, and often an overload of sensuality. 

St.  Nicholas Church, Prague - 1703

Trevi Fountain, Rome - 1762

Asamkirche, Munich - 1733 - 1746 

Palace of Versailles

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