Best Orchestra Works (non-symphony or concerti)

 The TC Top 200 Recommended Orchestral Works

1. Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring

2. Bach - Brandenburg Concertos

3. Debussy - Prélude à L'Après-midi d'un Faune

4. Bartók - Concerto for Orchestra

5. Ravel - Daphnis et Chloé

6. Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis

7. Debussy - La Mer

8. Strauss - Eine Alpensinfonie

9. Stravinsky - Petrushka

10. Stravinsky - The Firebird

11. Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker

12. Mozart - Serenade No. 10 "Gran Partita"

13. Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade

14. Bach - Orchestral Suites

15. Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra

16. Barber - Adagio for Strings

17. Handel - Water Music

18. Prokofiev - Romeo and Juliet

19. Smetana - Má Vlast

20. Copland - Appalachian Spring

21. Bartók - Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta

22. Holst - The Planets

23. Grieg - Peer Gynt

24. Debussy - Nocturnes

25. Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture

26. Varèse - Amériques

27. Respighi - The Pines of Rome

28. Brahms - Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn

29. Sibelius - Finlandia

30. Beethoven - Egmont

31. Ives - The Unanswered Question

32. Tchaikovsky - Romeo and Juliet Overture

33. Ravel - Pavane pour une Infante Défunte

34. Debussy - Images pour Orchestre

35. Mozart - Serenade No. 13 "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"

36. Strauss - Tod und Verklärung

37. Grieg - Holberg Suite

38. Elgar - Enigma Variations

39. Strauss - Metamorphosen

40. Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake

41. Mendelssohn - A Midsummer Night's Dream

42. Dvořák - Serenade for Strings

43. Webern - Six Pieces for Orchestra

44. Sibelius - Tapiola

45. Strauss - Ein Heldenleben

46. Prokofiev - Peter and the Wolf

47. Handel - Concerti Grossi, Op. 6

48. Gershwin - An American in Paris

49. Brahms - Tragic Overture

50. Tchaikovsky - Serenade for Strings

51. Schoenberg - Verklärte Nacht

52. Dukas - The Sorcerer's Apprentice

53. Stockhausen - Gruppen

54. J. Strauss II - The Blue Danube

55. Liszt - Les Préludes

56. Handel - Music for the Royal Fireworks

57. Britten - The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra

58. Sibelius - Lemminkäinen Suite

59. Rachmaninoff - Isle of the Dead

60. Rachmaninoff - Symphonic Dances

61. Strauss - Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche

62. Dvořák - Slavonic Dances

63. Stravinsky - Pulcinella

64. Falla - El Sombrero de Tres Picos

65. Rimsky-Korsakov - Capriccio Espagnol

66. Bartók - The Miraculous Mandarin

67. Ravel - La Valse

68. Brahms - Academic Festival Overture

69. Wagner - Siegfried Idyll

70. Bartók - Divertimento for String Orchestra

71. Debussy - Jeux

72. Berg - Three Pieces from the Lyric Suite

73. Tchaikovsky - The Sleeping Beauty

74. Ives - Three Places in New England

75. Ligeti - Atmosphères

76. Ravel - Le Tombeau de Couperin

77. Mendelssohn - The Hebrides Overture (Fingal's Cave)

78. Scriabin - The Poem of Ecstasy

79. Fauré - Pavane

80. Adams - Harmonielehre

81. Bax - Tintagel

82. Britten - Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes

83. Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre

84. Strauss - Don Juan

85. Sibelius - Pohjola's Daughter

86. Webern - Passacaglia

87. Pärt - Cantus in Memoriam Benjamin Britten

88. Rimsky-Korsakov - Russian Easter Festival Overture

89. Barber - Second Essay for Orchestra

90. Rebel - Les Élémens

91. Penderecki - Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima

92. Hindemith - Symphonic Metamorphosis on Themes of Carl Maria von Weber

93. Beethoven - Leonore Overture No. 3

94. Ravel - Rapsodie Espagnole

95. Lutosławski - Concerto for Orchestra

96. Bizet - L'Arlésienne

97. Villa-Lobos - Uirapuru

98. Sibelius - The Wood-Nymph

99. Respighi - The Fountains of Rome

100. Vaughan Williams - Job: A Masque for Dancing

101. Schubert - Rosamunde

102. Schoenberg - Five Pieces for Orchestra

103. Prokofiev - Scythian Suite

104. Copland - Rodeo

105. Holst - St. Paul's Suite

106. Milhaud - La Création du Monde

107. Sibelius - En Saga

108. Falla - El Amor Brujo

109. Brahms - Serenade No. 1

110. Prokofiev - Cinderella

111. Elgar - Introduction and Allegro

112. Dvořák - The Noon Witch

113. Glazunov - The Seasons

114. Mozart - Serenade No. 9 "Posthorn"

115. Borodin - In the Steppes of Central Asia

116. Xenakis - Metastasis

117. Lully - Ballet d'Alcidiane

118. Varèse - Ionisation

119. Liszt - Mazeppa

120. Enescu - Romanian Rhapsodies

121. Saint-Saëns - The Carnival of the Animals

122. Berg - Three Pieces for Orchestra

123. Schoenberg - Pelleas und Melisande

124. Ravel - Boléro

125. Janáček - Taras Bulba

126. Schnittke - Concerto Grosso No. 1

127. Barber - First Essay for Orchestra

128. Khachaturian - Gayane

129. Elgar - Pomp and Circumstance Marches

130. Varèse - Déserts

131. Messiaen - Éclairs sur L'Au-Delà…

132. Villa-Lobos - Bachianas Brasilieras No. 4

133. Ives - Central Park in the Dark

134. Ravel - Valses Nobles et Sentimentales

135. Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

136. Schumann - Manfred

137. Dvořák - In Nature's Realm

138. Dvořák - The Water Goblin

139. Ravel - Ma Mère L'Oye

140. Sibelius - Karelia Suite

141. Sibelius - Kullervo

142. Takemitsu - Spirit Garden

143. Berlioz - Roman Carnival Overture

144. Stravinsky - Agon

145. Alfvén - Swedish Rhapsody No. 1 "Midsommarvaka"

146. Beethoven - Coriolan Overture

147. Dutilleux - Mystère de L'Instant

148. Dvořák - Symphonic Variations

149. Shostakovich - Festive Overture

150. Webern - Im Sommerwind

151. Britten - Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge

152. Schoenberg - Variations for Orchestra

153. Prokofiev - Lieutenant Kijé Suite

154. Adam - Giselle

155. J. Strauss I - Radetzky March

156. Mozart - Serenade No. 7 "Haffner"

157. Delius - On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring

158. Biber - Battalia à 10

159. Delibes - Coppélia

160. Stravinsky - Apollo

161. Stravinsky - Concerto in E-flat "Dumbarton Oaks"

162. Janáček - Idyll for String Orchestra

163. Bartók - The Wooden Prince

164. Webern - Variations for Orchestra

165. Fauré - Pelléas et Mélisande

166. Ligeti - Chamber Concerto

167. Chabrier - España

168. Ippolitov-Ivanov - Caucasian Sketches

169. Respighi - Ancient Airs and Dances

170. J. Strauss II - Morgenblätter

171. Rautavaara - Cantus Arcticus

172. Barber - The School for Scandal Overture

173. Copland - Billy the Kid

174. Barber - Music for a Scene from Shelley

175. Adams - Shaker Loops

176. Ibert - Escales

177. Ginastera - Estancia

178. Brahms - Serenade No. 2

179. Roussel - Bacchus et Ariane

180. Grieg - Funeral March in Memory of Rikard Nordraak

181. Copland - El Salón México

182. Mendelssohn - Ruy Blas Overture

183. Varèse - Arcana

184. Tchaikovsky - Francesca da Rimini

185. Elgar - Serenade for Strings

186. Koechlin - Le Livre de la Jungle

187. Sibelius - The Oceanides

188. Lutosławski - Musique Funèbre

189. Honegger - Pacific 231

190. Sibelius - Nightride and Sunrise

191. Villa-Lobos - Bachianas Brasilieras No. 2

192. Khachaturian - Spartacus

193. Bax - November Woods

194. Tchaikovsky - Capriccio Italien

195. Wirén - Serenade for Strings

196. Copland - Lincoln Portrait

197. Suk - Serenade for Strings

198. Stravinsky - Jeu de Cartes

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