Classicism vs. Romanticism

The Values Expressed in Classical and Romantic Art

                            Note:  The following is a generalization; not all classical or romantic art   
                                       has these characteristics, exceptions can always be found:

         Classical values come from the philosophers of classical antiquity  (e.g. Plato 
                                                AristotleCicero, and the Stoics).

         Romantic values come from Greek tragedy (SophoclesEuripides), medieval   
                                                  Gothic (e.g.  neo-Gothic architecture and literature like 
                                                  The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Frankenstein).

      The central difference:

           Classicism stresses:

                Reason, rationality, moderation of the emotions, and the 
                development of the intellect. 

           Romanticism stresses: 

               The centrality of the human passions (the human will, desires, 
               and subjective emotions).

           Classical art & music exhibits / exudes:

                 Logic, simplicity, order, balance and proportion / symmetry,  clarity of form 
                 (the design / organization of an artistic work), strength, control, stability.

                 Calmness, Contentment, Happiness, Restraint, Optimism, Confidence, the 
                 Virtues (e.g. Courage, Prudence), Civic-mindedness & adherence to social 

                                     Classical = "Simple, dignified, refined, elegant"

         Romantic art & music exhibits / exudes: 

                   Spontaneity, Improvisation, Intuition, Imagination, and Individuality.     

                   Insecurity, Apprehension, Agitation, Volatility, Turmoil, Anxiety  
                   Chaos, Horror, The Macabre, The Grotesque, Death, Destiny (William 
                   Blake, Francisco Goya, Franz Liszt) 

                   The Magical, Mystical, the Fantastical, even the Hallucinatory

                   Where classicists wanted to tame nature with science, romantics saw 
                    nature as mystical, spiritual & majestic (transcendence). 

                   Romantics often see childhood as idyllic.

               Not always, but usually: classical art expresses more lofty ideals than romantic art.

               Not always, but usually: romantic art has more drama than classical art. 

               Not always, but usually: romantic art is more intimate and personal than classical art. 

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