Concerto Sonata Form

Mozart's piano concertos were influenced by his opera composing.  For instance, 
the first expostion was played by the orchestra and set the stage for the piano to 
enter in the second exposition, much like a diva singing an aria.

   Exposition 1 (Orchestra)

    - Theme 1 (in home key)  
    - Theme 2                         

   Exposition 2 (Soloist + Orchestra)  -  this is called a "double exposition"

     - Theme 1   ?                 
     - Theme 2   ?                
     - Theme 3   ?                       

    [solo trills]...

    Development (Soloist + Orchestra)  
    - other keys

    [solo trills]...

    Recapitulation (Orchestra, then Soloist with Orchestra)  

    - Theme 1
    - Theme 2 

    - Theme 3 ?
    [orchestra pauses] -  soloist does a cadenza (on V)  -  [solo trills]...

    Coda (solo and orchestra in home key)

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