Ken Hoffman Biography

           I am not a professional musician or teacher.  All of  my knowledge about music is from taking 
      piano lessons, playing in bands, and listening to and reading about classical music (and jazz and 
      rock music) since my freshman year in high school.

           I am originally from New Jersey.  I moved to Jacksonville, Florida in 2004 and retired from 
      software programming in 2008.  I then did graduate work in U.S. and European history at the 
      University of North Florida from 2008 - 2012.  
          Starting in 2013, I began creating and giving history courses to the general public in Jackson-
      ville, mostly to seniors through various facilities including U.N.F.'s Continuing Education 
      department.  These courses included many on classical music and jazz. 
          I moved to Lake Ashton in April of 2022.

          I cannot sing at all (unfortunately for you).

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Ken's Classical Music Website

This is a general classical music website that supports my classical music appreciation courses.   Lake Ashton Classical Music Program - Fa...