In German and English, the natural notes (the white keys on a piano) C, D, E, F, G, & A are the same.
In German notation, the note B is our B♭ (B flat); The German note H, is our B (natural).
In German, 'is' following a note means sharp, 'es' following a note means flat. For instance, 'Ces' in German is C sharp (C#) in English, and 'Des' is German for our D flat (D♭).
Exceptions are:
1) 'Es' (and not 'Ees') is our E flat (E♭).
2) 'As' (and not 'Aes') is our A flat (A♭).
German notation is used in many countries including Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, all of Scandinavia, Poland.
Naming convention | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
English | C | C sharp (C♯) | D | D sharp (D♯) | E | F | F sharp (F♯) | G | G sharp (G♯) | A | A sharp (A♯) | B |
D flat (D♭) | E flat (E♭) | G flat (G♭) | A flat (A♭) | B flat (B♭) | ||||||||
German[2] (used in AT, CZ, DE, SE, DK, EE, FI, HU, NO, PL, RS, SK) | C | Cis (C♯) | D | Dis (D♯) | E | F | Fis (F♯) | G | Gis (G♯) | A | Ais (A♯) | H |
Des (D♭) | Es (E♭) | Ges (G♭) | As (A♭) | B | ||||||||
Dutch[2] (used in NL, and sometimes in Scandinavia after the 1990s, and Indonesia) | C | Cis (C♯) | D | Dis (D♯) | E | F | Fis (F♯) | G | Gis (G♯) | A | Ais (A♯) | B |
Des (D♭) | Es (E♭) | Ges (G♭) | As (A♭) | Bes (B♭) | ||||||||
Neo-Latin[3] (used in IT, FR, ES, RO, Latin America, GR, IL, TR, LV and many other countries) diesis/bemolle are Italian spelling | Do | Do diesis (Do♯) | Re | Re diesis (Re♯) | Mi | Fa | Fa diesis (Fa♯) | Sol | Sol diesis (Sol♯) | La | La diesis (La♯) | Si |
Re bemolle (Re♭) | Mi bemolle (Mi♭) | Sol bemolle (Sol♭) | La bemolle (La♭) | Si bemolle (Si♭) | ||||||||
Byzantine[4] | Ni | Ni diesis | Pa | Pa diesis | Vu | Ga | Ga diesis | Di | Di diesis | Ke | Ke diesis | Zo |
Pa hyphesis | Vu hyphesis | Di hyphesis | Ke hyphesis | Zo hyphesis | ||||||||
Japanese[5] | Ha (ハ) | Ei-ha (嬰ハ) | Ni (ニ) | Ei-ni (嬰ニ) | Ho (ホ) | He (ヘ) | Ei-he (嬰へ) | To (ト) | Ei-to (嬰ト) | I (イ) | Ei-i (嬰イ) | Ro (ロ) |
Hen-ni (変ニ) | Hen-ho (変ホ) | Hen-to (変ト) | Hen-i (変イ) | Hen-ro (変ロ) | ||||||||
Indian (Hindustani) | Sa | Re Komal | Re | Ga Komal | Ga | Ma | Ma Tivra | Pa | Dha Komal | Dha | Ni Komal | Ni |
Indian (Carnatic) | Sa | Shuddha Ri | Chatushruti Ri | Sadharana Ga | Antara Ga | Shuddha Ma | Prati Ma | Pa | Shuddha Dha | Chatushruti Dha | Kaisika Ni | Kakali Ni |
Shuddha Ga | Shatshruti Ri | Shuddha Ni | Shatshruti Dha |
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