Neoclassical Art  (c. 1750 - 1800)  Classical

Article:  Neoclassical Art

Article:  Classical (era) Music

     Early 1700s  -  Late Baroque era (Baroque's high point) 
                              Important composers: G.F. Handel and J.S. Bach

          Bartolomeo Christofori invents the piano, but it is unstable and inadequate for serious music.
          The harpsichord and organ will be the primary keyboard instruments until the classical era. 

Late Baroque Architecture - Rococo 
Busy, ornamental, complicated, sensual

 Palace of Versailles (France) 

Asamkirche Munich, Germnay (1733 - 1746)

     (Example of the complexity and busyness of counterpoint in Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3)

     1730s  -  The classical era's nascent beginnings; Baroque's popularity fades.

         For the younger generation, late Baroque music, like late Baroque architecture (Rococo),
         seemed overly busy and complex; an overloading of the senses.  The development of Style Galant
         begins a simplifying of music from Baroque's complexity.   J.S. Bach's sons C.P.E Bach and
         J.C. Bach, are major figures in the transition.

Ludwigsburg Palace - Redesign after 1750

Ludwigsburg Palace Theater - Redesign after 1750
                      Simple, stately, dignified, elegant

Brandenburg Gate, 1788 - 1791

Romische Palastaula  - Trier, Germany

     1750s   -   Bach & Handel die, Baroque is over. 

     1756    -   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is born.  Haydn is 24 and already composing.

   1759   -   Haydn's first symphony.  The high period of the classical era begins.

                              The piano begins challenging the harpsichord as the preferred keyboard.

      1763   -   The Seven Years' War comes to an end

Anton Raphael MengsPrince of Asturias (future Charles IV of Spain), c. 1765
Still, calm, poised, confident, intelligent   

     1770   -   Beethoven is born.  Mozart, 14, is reaching his musical maturity. 

    1789    -   The French Revolution begins. 

     Dec, 1791   -   Mozart dies at age 35 in Vienna.

     Dec, 1792   -   Beethoven arrives in Vienna.  Haydn is 60.  Beethoven takes lessons with him

     1795 - 1800  -  Beethoven's compositions begin to challenge the classical forms of Haydn and Mozart.

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