Renaissance Art  (c. 1500)  Classical

1167 - 1179  -  Republic of Sienna established

Ambrogio Lorenzetti - The Effects of Good Government (1339) 

1237 - 1367  -  Giotto  
c.  1300  -  The rise of banking and trade begins creating a new middle class between the nobility and the peasants.  

1304 - 1374  -  Petrarch - scholar and poet - The "father of Renaissance humanism"

1320                 Dante Alighieri finishes the Divine Comedy

1337 - 1360   -  First phase of the Hundred Years' War

1347 - 1351  -  The Black Death rips through Europe, at least 75 million die.

1387 - 1400  -   Geoffrey Chaucer writes The Canterbury Tales 

c. 1400 - 1480:     Early Renaissance

     1399              -   Giovani de Medici founds the Medici Bank.  His descendants Cosimo and
                               Lorenzo the Magnificent will finance the Florentine Renaissance.   

c. 1480 - 1520:     High Renaissance 

"Renaissance" means "re-birth" and was the revival of ancient Greek and Roman classical values in education and the arts.   

    1486              -   Pico della Mirandola writes the Humanist manifesto Oration on the Dignity of Man.

A new evaluation of man's relationship to God:

Michelangelo  -  The Creation of Adam  -  c. 1512

A revival of classical values including poise, confidence, calmness, intelligence, courage, civic leadership:

Michelangelo  -  David  -  1501 - 1504

Albrecht Dürer  -  Self Portrait -  1500

A new focus on naturalism:

Albrecht Dürer  -  Young Hare -  1502

A new focus on human sensuality:

Sandro Botticelli  -  Primavera -  c. 1482

Tribute to the ancient Greek philosophers:

Raphael  -  The School of Athens  -  1509 - 1511

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